
Latitude Thur - Sun 16 -20 July 2014

Quite posh 'ere. 
So Posh that this sign is actually a 


I know! 


Me at the middle class LATITUDE FESTIVAL


First night of this most middle class of festivals and we have a perfect sunset.

Pimp my brolly Bro.

Shadow leaves on a tent.

A star, still alive!

A fashion designer, still alive.

Oh, yeh, him again .... immortal.

Saddlers Wells - Sooooo POSH

At last we spot some people dancing.

Even this Mohegan is swish to the point of sublime.

And the sheep, don't mention the sheep.

That guy?

Welsh I guess.

Shame he forgot his wellies.

What did we think of it? 
OK, as long as you don't mind the commercial style of festival - Reading stylee. Also, no Chai tents, in fact no where to sit-in, to chill, to chat with like minded strangers. Thank goodness it was dry weather. 

Forget eating your way around the world; not enough outlets, leading to very long queues for very average grub. All rather dull. 

Flights of Fancy?
In terms of inspiring creativity, quite frankly there isn't any. Everything is establishment, old school, safe; the music and the comedy, and yes, even the avant guard Saddlers Wells, who've dropped their guard. All of it is excellent, none of it is challenging, or, better still, confusing.

Were we made to feel we'd contributed to the greater good. Not a chance. I have the feeling that Latitude would respond with, 'We're not a bloody charity!'

What was special?
A couple of things really stood out. That stage over the water, viewing from either bank, The Saddlers Wells Stage, was fantastic. It should have been used at all times. Sadly it was barely used at all. The other stand out thing was the Waterstones tent. Authors chatting about their books in an intimate setting and then, later, signing their books. The ex wine writer for the Guardian gave us all plenty of wine and made us laugh, or was that the alcohol? Truly excellent and v posh too.

Overall judgement, if it was on my doorstep I'd be thrilled, of course I would, but it's not and as such isn't worth a long drive. 

Latitude has no soul, it's a flat-line event.

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