
Brighton - Saturday 12.2.11

Everything about Brighton is exhilarating. I know, all places have their dark side which I could seek out, but why would I? There's too much good stuff to feast on.

Walking to THE LANES from Kerrines place we found all this. It's always been a graffiti block but these are a cut above.


The owner of this shop has a bit of a habit. At least they've found a way of sharing it with the world, all 4 shop windows of it.

Street life here is perfection, no one doing anything except PROMENADING and CAFE-ING in continental style.

Love me, love my chairs. Brighton's known for those with fetishes, so I'm completely at home here - mine's CHAIRS - WHAT'S YOURS?

Is it Brighton? Is it me? Or is this howlingly funny? 

I made MeWally shoot this one, I was too busy slurping. The guy materialized and vanished. An apparition? Camouflage? Hallucination?

We headed to the sea past this pile of ICED GEMS



Even MAX MILLER is in on the act. He's joker from head to foot.

I liked the symmetry of this  monochrome scene.

At last,

a photographers' dream,

in white and blue.

The burnt out shell of the old pier still has charisma, as it squats like an armature for a giant wedding cake.

This is such a frilly, wedding dress of a pier.

Is this the oldest GLITTER BALL in the UK?

OOOOO, look at them massing aggressively! Finally, with aching feet, we reach the end of the pier, It should be the start of the rest of the world, but no, it's STARTLING. 

Is it really?


Naaaaay! SMILE IT'S FUN would be more accurate.

You see, FUN!!!!

We made our way back to the beach,

Taking in the view on either side of the pier,


It's an intimate beach, despite the crowds of day trippers.

The beach arches are a great place to sit and PEOPLE WATCH. We watched each other.

We sat down and drank coffee again, and watched the world walk along the beach. Then we headed back to Kerrines.

A strange tree, MeWally kept saying, 'Where are you going? What are you staring at?' as I walked off across the soggy grass and away from the pavement.

This, MeWally, THIS!!!! Hundreds of trainers festooning the branches.

We stopped on the way back to Kerrines for essential supplies. She's been working today, as we had swanned around, so we figured .......

Lovely meal, open fire, candle, wine, great conversation late into the night.


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