
Debbis Birthday - Saturday 17.3.12

Debbi wanted to celebrate her upcoming birthday at a 

So we queued for 40 minutes, taking it in turns to nip off for cups of tea and a wee, before finally getting to pay for our 2 hours of leisure. 
It was THERMAE BATH SPA for us girls.

All worth it though as we sank into the naturally hot mineral water.

Rooftop pool and bubble machines first.

Much smiling!

The views from the pool are a bit mundane.

Steam rooms look like a Dr Who set - WELL HOT!!

You just have to tough it out,
or do as I did and GET OUT.

Jo making an exhibition of herself,

as we drifted along on the current in the MINERVA POOL.

Bye Bye lovely water world,

and hello CURRY!

OO look it's me, all scrubbed up. Look at those shiny cheeks.

: )

The restaurant is THE EASTERN EYE, South West curry restaurant of the year, found in QUIET STREET ( I think that's a great name for a road).

A huge, mural painted room with these massive windows at either end, makes this place endlessly fascinating.

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