
On The Road To Saaaafend Saturday 25.9.10

After the FARMERS MARKET  today, I had some grapes left over. Mike at the shop took the other fruit, but over looked these little beauties. Some of the bunches were pretty puny, but this one was a beauty.

Mewally said, If you keep scoffing them like that, they wont last until the motorway.

I said, They'll be lucky to make it as far as CIRENCESTER.

I won. This is the last one, finished on the bye-pass beside CIRENS'. ROMAN AMPHITHEATRE.

They were really good.

As you can tell, we're on the road again. A weekend at home would be a a big change! Our quest; to get to Southend On Sea this evening and pick up a SEA KAYAK tomorrow. There's over 3 hours to spend in the car watching the world on the move with us. Where are they all going?


Do we need to travel all this way? Couldn't we have the boat delivered? Would it be delivered in the back of a gas guzzling truck?

Would the truck spew more CO2 than us in the car? And once we have the boat, will we use even more fuel racing from coast to coast?

I could losememarbles thinking about all this. Are all the other drivers pondering this stuff?


Of course they are, if only because of the cost of fuel at the mo,

one pound nineteen p a litre!!!!!

The car's radio's pumping out a Soul Music programme about The Faure Requiem, it's on Radio 4.

This is a piccy of my, very old, album

Published in 1963! Now I feel old!

It's such beautiful piece music, makes me cry. When I was in my teens I took my squeaky, child voice and made it sing in a choral society. This was their pre-Easter offering in about 1969/70, I hated it. I hated it because it was tight, precise, contained, timid, thin, tuneless, drifting with no drive or exuberance. For the first three rehearsals I felt as if I was being strangled. There was no SINGING, with this. It was pure whining. After six weeks I had come to love it with a passion. My mum had been right all along, Stick with it, she had advised, it's perfect music. How right she was. I am surprised to find they've chosen it for the radio, it's not easy music to get to know.


Evocative names flash by; they're exotic to me, from a distant and alien land, rarely visited, often talked and laughed about.


I'm off and quickly running this one past MeLongSufferingWally.
My name is Bond, James Bond (queue 007 riff, first half dozen phrases – go on hum it, you know you want to, I did), Take a letter Moneypenny.

CHELMSFORD – 123 Did it get a second series?

CANVEY ISLAND – I went there on my odyssey (tell you another time), and found it a bit down at heel, but with an incongruously luxurious, all lights and glass style restaurant overlooking the sea. I quite liked that 'hope springs eternal' attitude and the fact that the restaurant was seemingly full of, sparkling, well to do folks, who had parked their well to do cars in the car park outside. Nothing stirred around me in the dark exterior, except the wind and a few take away wrappers that blew about like Tumble Weed through a GHOST TOWN.

As we enter SOUTHEND we pass a tower block, it could have been homes, hotel or offices. 

didn't notice which, I was transfixed by a BRIDE in white, veil off her face, standing next to a white stretch limo.

Bet she had an Essex face lift, I thought

and white stilettos.

She's either truly Essex, or has a strong sense of irony`!

In the town centre we were treated to the sight of ESSEXLATERS; there to take folks effortlessly up to the shops. The Essex girl must NEVER get too exhausted to SHOP.

Before you get all hot and bothered by my condescension, I hold my hands up to being half Essex. Oh yes I've been known to hobble about in stilettos, feeling like a guy in drag,  though NEVER WHITE STILETTOS.

nb – they're not white ones


Once at the hotel, WE DRANK TEA, and chilled out.

This place is more like a guest house, an excellent guest house. On the KELVIN SCALE a comfortable 2. Would be less as a hotel, obviously – this small, smart place, with it's friendly service, could never top a 5 star, could it?

Once recovered we headed out to take in the SEA AIR.


What a place,

All I remember from my odyssey is that Southend had a sea wall with sea on the other side. No beach.

It may be true,

but what's not to like


We found this place, it looked good, so we booked a table for later

and strolled on


with it's wealth of dazzling attractions

and into the night.

We rocked up to the restaurant and had a very good meal that made us feel complete.

You know what?

This is a special place, VERY ENGLISH,

VERY SMART and TACKY in the most brilliant jumble. I think I love it …....


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